A note about Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) ….

Each term the Principal, DFO and Corporate Services and Brand Identity Manager meet to discuss H&S topics affecting the Academy. This month we celebrated the Academy’s recertification as being compliant with ISO 45001:2018, the international standard for health and safety at work. Thank you to all our staff members whose hard work made this possible.

The PE, Science and Technology curriculum Teams and the Site Team have now written risk assessments for all the significant risks they have identified associated with their activities. These can be found on The Calc here. Please do let Jeni Cousans or Sara Hopkins know if there is a significant activity or area of the Academy which you feel should have a risk assessment which is not on this list. We will look to support you in putting one in place.

We also reviewed progress to achieving our other key OH&S objectives for this academic year, which are:

  • To have good employee awareness of OH&S issues; 
  • For all plant and equipment is maintained properly in line with legislation; and
  • For the Incident Management Evacuation and Continuation Plan (IMEC) to be up to date and communicated to Academy staff. 

We are on track to achieve these objectives by the aim of the academic year. For more details about these objectives please see the OH&S Policy and Management Manual on The Calc.

We continue to review recent first aid reports and incidents. Thank you to all of you for ensuring that you report any accidents or incidents or near misses. This helps us to identify any common causes or trends, enabling us to prevent more accidents in the future. 

Please contact Jeni Cousans or Sara Hopkins with any comments or questions concerning OH&S.