Please could all members of staff fill in the JCQ Declaration of Interest Form 2022/23 (EXAMS) – it only takes 30 seconds.

As a registered exam centre we are required to take all reasonable steps to ensure that any conflicts of interest (COI) in relation to the delivery and awarding of examinations/assessments is identified, recorded and managed effectively.

A Conflict of Interest occurs where any member of staff who has access to privileged information, or is responsible for making decisions about assessment outcomes, could, potentially, use that information, or their position, to give an unfair advantage to students with whom they have a relationship and who are entered for an examination/assessment at the centre itself or any other centre.

Such a relationship may exist with members of their family (which includes stepfamily, foster family and similar close relationships), or close friends and their immediate family (e.g. son/daughter).

A COI also occurs if any member of centre staff is entered for an examination/assessment.

Any questions, please contact OSH.