The following staff & students will be taking part in a sponsored sleepover this Friday in aid of MIND. If you would like to support/donate towards this please use the link below and allocate your donation to a staff/student code.
Thank you in advance
Name: Code: Name: Code:
Ms. Thomson HTN Mr Lehmer WLR
Miss Sanders CSS Mr White SWE
Jenny JS13 Daniella DA13
Aaliyah AC13 Aala AM13
Lara LR12 Mohamed MK12
Cyiesha CD11 Silver SL11
Amirah AC11 Sienna SS11
Nora NA11 Miriam MY11
Bouchra BE11 Tayah TMB11
Danielle DH10 Leon LB10
Mickael MM09 Marie MK10
Simao SD08
There will also be a meeting taking place this Thursday P4 in the Library, notes are on sims. If you have a double period with any of these students, please do dismiss at the start of P4.