As our website is currently experiencing some problems, please see below a link to our Chelsea Academy 6th Form Application Form.
A Message from the Principal, Matthew Williams:
You are joining an exciting Sixth Form at an exciting time! Our teaching is rated as ‘outstanding’ by OFSTED, we have just achieved an ‘outstanding’ SIAMS inspection and our results have improved yet again. We are proud to be one of only 20 schools in the country to be designated as a ‘World Class School’. This prestigious award recognised the quality of education both inside and outside of the classroom.
We are delighted with our 2018 examination results, achieving 55% A*-B and 99% A*-E at A2, with students going on to study Engineering at Imperial College, Medicine at St Georges and many other top institutions, as well gaining prestigious apprenticeships. What matters to us more than anything is that all our students get the support they need to make the best of themselves. That’s why we are particularly proud that our sixth form students also make more overall progress than at many other schools in the country, as measured by our value-added score.
We place significant emphasis on areas beyond just academic study. From work experience on a film set, to expeditions in Canada we offer our students incredible opportunities to develop their character and stand out from the crowd as they move into the wider world.
All we ask for from our students is that they share our core Christian values of joy, charity, perseverance, forgiveness and servant leadership and commit to work hard with no excuses. In return we do everything we can to ensure they make the best of themselves.
I look forward to welcoming you into our community.
Click HERE to apply to join our 6th form at Chelsea Academy.
